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Live appearances 2024:
At the Edinburgh  Fringe, Tim performed a new show 'Northern Faith'  - a musical journey following the development of faith and spirituality in the Ancient Kingdom of Northumbria, which stretched from Yorkshire up to Edinburgh. This show featured songs and stories of of The Venerable Bede, Alcuin of York, The Holy Island and many more.
Audience review: 'A lovely hour of fascinating history interspersed with melodious songs pertinent to the people, events and places of a time so long ago. The research that must have gone into this boggles my mind. Presenting this material in such an entertaining fashion is a rare gift.'
Sanctuary First interview: On Monday 12.8.24,while in Edinburgh, Tim was interviewed on Sanctuary First, an online worshipping community of the Church of Scotland. You can access the video podcast here;
Review of 'Connecting with Faith' on


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